Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Joke of the Day...

Someone sent this to me and I thought I'd pass it along to you... Enjoy!


A new preacher was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10."

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and

Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was
afraid for I was naked."

Friday, January 19, 2007

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than you realize.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Theme Songs...

My life as a song...

"Fidelity" by Regina Spektor

Yup. That's me...
Head in the clouds.
Talking/laughing to myself.
Talking to my imaginary yet-to-be Mister.
Heart on my sleeve.

That's me in a nutshell.
