Saturday, May 10, 2008

Clean House (In Progress)

I loved reading the Amelia Bedelia series as a child. My face would glow and giggles would scatter as I read about each silly antic Amelia found herself in. I loved her. I daydreamed about going on adventures with her and wished she'd have been my nanny. In a crowd of stodgy, old farts she'd have been the only super-cool and silly adult acquaintance. And though none of the adults could understand her, I would. In a way she was (and is) my kindred (fictional) spirit ~ a little kooky and misunderstood, but always having the best of intentions.

I have done about 4 loads of laundry today and have that much yet to fold. Between loads of laundry, I've scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors/counter tops, and am now prepping myself for my greatest task of the day: my chaotic room. When all of that is finished I might have time left to vacuum...

Staring at the mess left to clean, I feel more like Cinderella and less like Amelia...


yellowinter said...

sounds very much like my to-do list. add making dinner while hubby and baby takes a nap. hubby is post call. :)

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOOSH, AMELIA BEDELIAH! I haven't heard that name is SOOO LONG!!!