Friday, June 13, 2008


Today was murderously taxing. Didn't eat (save for a bowl of Cheerios this morning). Didn't drink more than a cup of coffee and about a glass's worth of milk (also with breakfast) all day. Witnessed my obnoxious boss demean people because of his constant lack of organization or priority.

And the only thing that cheered me up all day was this.  Enjoy!


yellowinter said...

how funny of you to leave your own comment on the comment section. yes, i do read it, darling. :)
as for the link, are you supposed to be able to carry the creature by the handle? craziness!

Annibelle said...

i guess so? i dunno... it (the picture) made me smile more so because it reminded me of my puppy, Brownie who passed around Christmas 2006. I miss him. :(