Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Before E, Except After C

Just finished watching Akeelah and the Bee. LOVED IT!!! It's such a feel-good movie... Well, save for the fact that I felt like a retard for most of the movie (as I had never heard of 90% of the words used!)

P-U-L-C-H-R-I-T-U-D-E, Pulchritude.


I HIGHLY recommend this movie to you all (yes, the 4 of you who read my blogs).

And while I'm on the subject of spelling... Check this out:

THIS is what would have happened had the movie been called A KOREAN and the Bee:

[FYI: There was an ad in the local Korean Paper that read something along the lines of "Come to the Korean FORK Festival." Unfortunately, I was unable to take a picture of it. Haha... I amlost peed in my pants laughing for a good 5 min!]

Hahaha... Koreans. What can ya do with 'em/us!

Well, at least we're still good at math and science!


Allie said...

ha ha ha ha ha !

You are so funny. I heard good things about that movie. It's on my queue.

Did you watch Nanny McPhee? I just watched that and that is such a good feel movie, too.

yellowinter said...

LOL! korean fork festival... at first, i wondered, 'were they trying to say "pork festival?"' then realized that it must have been folk festival. harhar. that would have been funny, eh? a country that does not utilize fork having a festival for it. hehe. too bad you didn't take a picture. ;)