Saturday, September 30, 2006

Men Are From Mars and Women Are... Well, We're Just AWESOME!

Tonight I watched part of an hour-long discussion on gender differences on 20/20. They posed the question: "Are men and women really as different as we think?"

The correspondants interviewed sociologist, behaviorists, NEUROLOGISTS, and the like to see if there were any biological/neurological reasons for why men and women behave as they do. It was interesting. Here's what I learned (thank you 20/20 for adding to my bag of useless facts!):
  • a woman's brain SHRINKS up to 8% during pregnancy (I did not know that!)
  • women speak roughly 20,000 words per day while men speak only about 5,000 (haha... I might have gotten those numbers wrong... that can't be possible!)
  • the amygdala is slightly larger in a man's brain than in a woman's
  • scientists believe that the reason it seems your husband never listens to you is not b/c he's ignoring you, but b/c his brain can't register your voice - they're more able to process/hear a lower toned voice (i.e. another male's)
But the best part of the show was when they quoted some ad for an insurance company (I think). The company's tagline was this:

MASCULINITY. It's hazardous to your health.

Haha... That is all. I don't think I could possibly top that perfection of words!

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