Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Birthday Thoughts

I sit here at my desk an entire year older and, hopefully, a whole lot wiser(yes?)

Mat's "Crashing Down" is playing softly in the background. I'm taking a short break from typing up proposals and final menu drafts to contemplate the year...

The song is fitting to where I find myself today, officially 29 years old. I'm at a crossroads. The past year was full of its share of disappointments, hurts and uncertainties. I have been kicked in the butt and at times it felt as though I were emotionally/spiritually left for dead. Don't get me wrong, there were good times as well: sharing in the joys and triumphs of others. Witnessing God at work in the small moments we often forget. Taking teeny-weeny-itsy-bitsy steps forward...

I'm wondering in silent amazement at what will unfold as all of this comes crashing down. Everything I was and knew and thought was right. Everything I knew and thought so highly of me.

And as He takes chisel to hand, I hold my breath.

1 comment:

Allie, Dearest said...


Happy Birthday!

For your birthday I finally added you to my blogroll.

No, I jest, that's not your birthday present. I mean, I did add you to the roll last night finally {have no idea what took me so long}, but I will send you a little some-tin' some-tin' in the good ol' fashioned mail.

Welcome to 29, we hope you enjoy your stay here!!
