Monday, March 31, 2008


Ugh... I need a vacation. Fresh(er) air. A day away from these familiar smells and sights and sounds.

My head is hurting again. I'm staring at the bottle of Ibuprofen and debating whether or not I should go for a second dose or grit my teeth and edure the pain.

I hear my coworker saying, "Whatevah" in her New Yowkuh accent...

My thoughts exactly.


Allie, Dearest said...

I'm so sorry about this chronic headache problem.

It's got to be something more serious than just bad caffeine. I will be praying for you, that you would feel rest and relief. And that God would show you what it is that's causing this, if it's something that can be adjusted.

Lots of hope,

Rebecca said...

Come to Lancaster ;) There are some great shows at the Chameleon coming up in April. xo

Annibelle said...

Thanks girls... I will take both your pearls of wisdom/hope to heart.

I am feeling a bit better now... for the time being. Let's cross our fingers and hope we make it through the night.