Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mother-Daughter: Strangers No More?

My girl, AllieDearest, shared about recent discoveries she'd made about her mom. I think I might have inadvertently had the same experience with my own mom this evening while having dinner together. Below is an overview of our conversation:

Annibelle: I'm gonna head to Atlanta in April to volunteer for that conference I helped out with 2 weeks ago.
Mom: Really? Who are you going with?
A: No one... yet. I'm going alone, I think, as of right now.
M: [Surprised] Alone? Why?
A: Just because.

[10 minutes or so later]
A: So, how would you feel if I married, say... a musician? Or a singer? Or a writer?
M: [Hopeful] Why?!? Are you seeing someone?
A: [Matter-of-factly] Nope. Just wondering. [Pause] What about an artist?
M: They don't make money. You need to find someone who can take care of you. You can't worry about money all the time.
A: I don't care about money. I'm not interested in accountants or lawyers.
M: What's wrong with lawyers?

A: I hate them. I hate lawyers.
M: Accountants make a good living...
A: [Interrupting] They're boring. I haven't met one interesting accountant. [Annie pauses and remembers the crazy, Brazilian, Boston-transplant-slash-accountant-slash-photophile-slash-Jesus loving girl she'd roomed with 2 weeks ago in VA] Wait. Nevermind. Scratch that. I've met very few interesting accountants, especially any who are boys.

A: What if I brought home a [caucasian] boy?
M: [Caucasian] boys are OK. They're nice. As long as he makes you happy.
A: [Taken aback] Really? You wouldn't care if I didn't marry a nice Korean boy?
M: No. Why would I? As long as he loves you and makes you happy and treats you good, I don't care.
A: Hmmm... interesting.

[Later on...]
M: I worried so much about you when you were little... Winters were so cold, and we were so poor back then. You could see your breath in winter.
A: Didn't you take me to the emergency room when I was a baby?
M: Yes. You had a fever over 100 degrees. I rushed you to the hospital and they just dunked you in a cold bath. Poor little baby. All [you] did was cry and cry. You made me worry so much about you. [Pause] Your brother was such an easy baby...

M: You don't remember, but you fell down the stairs headfirst when you were a baby.

A: [Finally having a reason for her colorful "personality"] Ah... that explains so much.



Allie, Dearest said...

This conversation is amazing.

Why do mom's have such a way of pulling me back to reality? Will I be like that one day? I mean, I always think I'm like that now. But will I sigh and say poignant things about someone else's childhood?

Anonymous said...


i'm not laughing about anything in particular really...

yellowinter said...

it's actually sweet and sad at the same time... moms...
glad to hear that mama has let go of the whole korean boy deal. perhaps, she'll come around about the artist too. :)
btw, we ALL hit our heads as we grow up. N averages once a day at least. it builds character, i say. ;)

Annibelle said...

No, I actually fell down a flight of stairs... HEAD first. Humpty-Dumpty style.