Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This little light of mine...

We are candles.
Formed by the hand of God;
lit by the passion (and sacrifice) of Christ.
The Holy Spirit fuels us to burn for Him.
God has placed
each person,
each laugh,
each tear...
in our lives
so that we might come together and illumine for Him.


I think my mind is gravitating towards this illustration due to the fact that I've just "celebrated" another birthday... But, really, did you ever notice the heat that candles give off? One candle has just enough energy to light a small space and brings little warmth. But, when placed together, a group of candles spread (and share) their light and warmth to all around. The heat grows more and more intense and BRIGHTER as you add each candle. Just something that came to mind and made me think...

1 comment:

younghotelier said...

Girl friend, how was your dinner last night?
I'll email you when I get back for our dinner okey?