Monday, November 30, 2009


During my lunch today, I went down to my landlord's office to complain about the lights in my apartment -- the lights that have not been working for TEN STRAIGHT DAYS now! I confidently (and politely) asked for compensation for the month. He told me it was fine to not pay rent until he was sure the electrical problem was fixed.

You might ask why I bother to bring this up. Why this is so noteworthy as to post on this boring blog no one reads. I mention this because, well, had this been a few years ago, I don't think I would have been as bold.

I lacked the gumption I have now (or am learning to have).

I think about how far I've come. This meek little sparrow, so prone to hide in the shadows. I'm reserved still, yes, but... I'm OK with it.

Always have been actually.


Allie, Dearest said...

"Gumption" reminds me of the little, old man in "The Holiday." I love it.

Annibelle said...

I know! I just bought the movie over the weekend ($3.99!!!) and watched it again.

People don't appreciate gumption anymore. How sad...

Tofer Brown said...

Good for you! You go girl!
