Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Rolling Thunder, Hear My Cry!

Nashville has had its share of torrential storms in the past month. Today, for instance, sheets of rain fell from the sky unexpectedly while I sat at my desk and watched.

The funny thing about these storms is that they have a way of unearthing debris. As soon as they stop the pond just outside my office floods with broken branches and litter of all sorts. At once the pristine waterfront is covered with messiness.

It's a metaphor for life I think. Storms are evident in our lives and they will come and go unexpectedly leaving behind debris. Things we've kept hidden so well will rise to the surface and the messiness of our lives will show itself for all the world to see.

But, as with all things, life springs from the destruction and cleansing comes from the letting go of the waste in our lives.

The rain, the tears, bring a freshness that's often hard to see as you're running for cover and waiting for the storms to pass.

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