Saturday, December 12, 2009

Self Portraits

I'm bone-tired. My feet hurt. My head reels. And I just want to crawl into a ball here on the floor of Fido and sleep by the construction paper fire place. Like a cat. [Maybe bear would be a better choice of words?]

If you care to know, I spent the entire day volunteering at Help-Portrait Nashville.

It was amazing. My mood, however, fluctuated.

Reflecting back on the day, I realize how very thin are the veils of patience and kindness that I profess to wear so proudly. A few people rubbed me the wrong way and my immediate response was frustration, anger and the occasional death stare.

Some of the people were impatient, others ungrateful or pushy. One volunteer completely took advantage of my helpfulness and ran off to hobnob while I tended to my group and hers.

In all of this, I learned (again) how very self-righteous I can be. As I walked around, I felt the Grinch within grumble.

I don't know what to make of this other than the simple truth that I need Jesus. A whole lot. More than you or I could ever know...

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