Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Somewhere In Between

I've been feeling at a loss a lot lately. Displaced. Unloved. Forgotten.

Truthfully, as much as I'd rather not admit it, I sometimes need to know I matter to you -- even if just a little bit. A kind word. A phone call. A smile or hug to know that I'm not as alone as I'm feeling these days...

It's tiring for people like me to constantly be the ones reaching out. Hold out your arms long enough and they'll start shaking and ache from exhaustion.

That's where I'm at. Exhausted. Tired of reaching out only to have nothing there to grasp.

Everything inside wants to just retract from everything... Live in my head. In my tiny, solitary world. To rely on me and me alone. To not care at all for anything/-one anymore. To be like the rest of the world and think of myself and my agenda and nothing else.

I hate this place I'm finding myself these days.

Hate it.

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