Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Freedom Trailin'

So, I'm back from Boston. Well, I've been home now for 3 days. Boston was fun... STIFLINGLY hot and humid, but fun nonetheless.

Here's a recap of the week. (You may all thank AM for her gracious DEMANDS that I "POST PICTURES!" j/k Haha...)

[WARNING: This is a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG entry. Proceed at your own discretion]

- Major fiasco while trying to pack for the trip. Was trying to do some last minute laundry. Didn't realize that I had left an ink pen in one of my pockets. Yup! You guessed it... BLUE INK all over my clothes!!! Made a quick dash to Pathmark (at 11:30pm!) to get some Shout and OxyClean. Spent about 2 hours trying to scrub out stains all the while trying to hold back tears. Finally fell asleep around 4am.

MONDAY - Left Philly at 11am and arrived in Providence at a little past 12pm. Shortest flight EVER!!! Couldn't even finish the Sodoku puzzle I had started halfway into the flight.

Got to RBK&KCK's house around 1:30pm had lunch, played with GMK (who has VERY good hand-eye coordination for a baby!) and then took a nap. Yes, very productive I know... I promise it gets better! Keep reading...

TUESDAY - Went with RBK and GMK to Sprouts, a baby playtime/singalong program. SO funny! All the parents and the teacher (who looked a lot like the host of "The BIG Comfy Couch") were singing random songs while the babes ran amuck in the colorfully padded room. Was fed Goldfish crackers by one of the babies (I don't think her parents were too pleased) and had to contain myself as this trucker of a baby named Eric proceeded to bulldoze his way through the crowd of tykes as he chased after bubbles at the end of class.

Future NFL Lineman, Eric "The Bulldozer," playing with Mikaela (whom he would later knock down numerous times during "Bubble Time"

GMK's classmate, Joshua(?) during playtime

GMK, wondering what that black thing is that Auntie Annie is pointing at her
(Answer: my camera)

Later on in the evening, helped take care of GMK while mommy and daddy prepared dinner for their guests, Pastor Paul, his wife and baby. The guests arrived at around 6pm and, as they walked through the door, to my surprise, I realized it was MY Pastor Paul - my old JDSN from Yuong Sang!!! We both looked at each other and said, "Hey! I know you!" Too funny. It's a small, small world...

- Dragged RBK, GMK and KRL to the "Pru" to catch Mat Kearney perform in the South Garden.

The sun was strong, the heat was on, and my man was playing his songs (what?... I dunno).

He's been touring a lot lately (been in a different city every day), so he was understandably a bit disoriented. Forgot where he was, what day it was and missed a few chords (although I think I was the only one to notice).

Met up with him again during the "meet and greet." AGAIN he remembered me, asked for my name again and told me that he'd written a song called "Annie." [I think you have to if you're a musician. It's some sort of right of passage. (e.g. "Annie's Song" by John Denver; "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson ("Annie are you OK, are you OK, are you OK?)] I joked that he'd have to sing the song for me sometime, but I don't think I made any sense. Oh, how I wish I was more extroverted and eloquent in words. All I can seem to do is smile, nod, and mumble inaudible nonsense around him and those I meet for the first time. (Go ahead... LAUGH at my expense! I would!)

Mat & I outside of the Prudential "in a really nice park on a ... what day is it?
... Wednesday afternoon..." as he put it
(Hmm... my neck must have been REALLY shy...
it seems to have gone into hiding. Quite peculiar...)

In the evening went to the gym with RBK. Felt good to go since I hadn't for about 4 days. (Haha... It's been about 5 days since I've gone since... (Note to self: go tonight!!!))

THURSDAY - RBK dropped me off at the MFA so I could catch the "Americans in Paris" exhibit. It was interesting. Saw about 4 Whistlers (I had NO idea that "Portrait of My Mother" was as large as it is!). Was formally introduced to Curran whose use of color contrast and composition was really interesting. After walking through the exhibit, I had to make a tough decision: whether to go through the rest of the museum OR head out for lunch. Yeah... um... my stomach won and so I headed out of the museum and decided to walk down Huntington until something caught my eye. Ended up on NorthEastern's campus where I stopped for lunch in "Temptation Cafe", a local college hangout I assume since it was run by a couple of Frat boys.

KRL picked me up from there and then took me across the Charles into Cambridge where we walked Harvard's campus. Later that evening, she took me to Tapeo, a local Tapas Bar on Newbury. I LOVE Newbury!!!

The Dome inside the MFA

Some building on Harvard's campus. Looks like a church, no?

Above: "The Harry Potter Cafeteria" as KRL refers to it
Below: The exterior of said building
Double-fisting @ LA Burdick's Chocolatiers Mmmm...

- Met up with my dear friend Esther in Cambridge (we just realized that we've known each other for HALF of our lives!!! Craziness...). She took me to this hole-in-the-wall cafe called the Soundwave (or something to that effect) where we had brunch. It was yummers! My time there was made awkwardly memorable by multiple trips to the loo (where you need to actually walk THROUGH the kitchen) where I was accosted by a 40+ year-old cook from Spain who (I think) was trying to flirt with me [insert gagging noise]... en espanol!!!

After brunch visited EC's church where she is also working as an admin assistant. Met her coworkers who coaxed me into playing "Speed Scrabble" for an hour. Toured the church's campus, met some more coworkers and sat in on their monthly "Thursday/Friday BBQ".

Afterwards, we headed back into town where we spent a few hours walking parts of the Freedom Trail. Visited Park Street Church, one of the oldest and still active churches in the Boston area. Also walked through King's Church(?) and saw the booth where George Washington and his family sat for Sunday service.

Found our way to Fenueil Hall/Quincy Market where we shopped for panties for me b/c I forgot to bring an extra pair to KRL's house. You know... normal touristy stuff. (TMI you say? Muahaha)

Ended the day back in Copley, where we parted ways (she had dinner with friends later that evening). We were going to get together again on Newbury for drinks after her dinner, but she was pooped from the day... and it rained. So, KRL&CL took me to Shabu House in Brookline, where I had my first experience with "swish, swish" cuisine. It was interesting, although I had no idea what I was doing. Later on - after cancelling plans with EC - KRL and I watched "In Her Shoes" (haha... pretty much like any other Friday night of my life. I NEED a life! Someone please hang out with me?!?!?! )

Interior of King's Church(?) or was it Park Street?

Outside the King's Church /Cemetary

Somewhere in Copley

Street performers outside of Feneuil Hall/Quincy Market

Gives new meaning to the phrase "Hi Ho Silver", no?
(No, your eyes aren't fooling you. That is a LIVING human being
swathed in silver paint "performing" as a living statue)
Kept wanting to hoist his belt up... it looked like it was sliding off and he knew it


Yeah, so that was my trip. Great fun and sunburning was had. I'm hoping to go up again (this time in the cooler months!).

Although I really didn't see much, I was glad to spend time with dear friends, just chatting and wasting the day... The best memories of all!


yellowinter said...

great pix, annie. just realized that i didn't get to show you the harry potter cafeteria pix. i'll post them today. :)

RBK said...

thanks for sharing! i had no idea you took that many pictures!

Beannie's Log said...

Beautiful pics! It looks like you had a lot of fun and were quite busy!