Friday, October 26, 2007

Hope's Diamond

I used to daydream a lot when I was a young thing.

I'd had hopes of a huge wedding: an elegant affair of champagne and black ties. I'd wear Vera or Monique, he'd wear Armani. I'd polish my Asscher-cut diamond ring and slip on its matching band on that fateful day. There'd be a full band and loads of dancing and laughter...

We'd live in our suburban home with our 2.3 kids and our dog, Skippy. I'd work from home and be the epitome of Martha Stewart Home while balancing my successful career in fashion/interior design. I'd raise my genius children to be well-mannered and responsible human beings. My husband would be strapping, athletic and successful. (Oh, and funny... mustn't forget his contagious laughter and sense of humor!)

I would go to Africa and fight AIDS. Become a doctor and create some miracle cure-all.

Star in a major motion picture or go double-platinum in my solo music career.

I had BIG dreams back then.

As the years pass, I feel God chisel away at this gem of mine; these dreams and hopes I'd made and treasured as gold. And as He chips away at each flawed thought and hope, He reveals a purer and more beautiful thing my lame ideas had clouded and masked.

My hopes (I hope) are more streamlined these days. I'm striving for simplicity and fighting the urge to polish what's been done in me. What He's done (is doing) in me.

I don't know where He's taking me or why it seems like a lifetime away, but I eagerly await the day. The day when all of this FINALLY makes sense.

He's shaping new dreams out of this rough, jagged piece of coal.

He has BIG dreams for us.

I eagerly await the day...

1 comment:

Allie, Dearest said...

I completely relate to this.
I can't even remember half of the things I thought I was going to be when I grew up...

Funny now, to think how naive and self-centered I was. (am).

Hope-fully this polishing will continue for both of us.