Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pill-Popping Creature of the Night

I've had a migraine or headache for some portion of the day all this past week. And another glorious Saturday was spent in bed, all day, trying to ward off the pain and chills that have persisted since Thursday. My body is constantly cold (no matter how many layers of clothes, space heaters or electric blankets I'm using). My joints ache. My head is raging against me. The light is making me nauseous. As I type this, I'm sitting in the dark with a headband wrapped around my head to relieve some pressure (or add more?).

I don't feel like myself anymore... maybe I'm turning into some kind of cold-blooded, nocturnal reptile? (It would explain the dry, scaly skin I've had on occasion). Ack!

I should sleep, but my mind, though in pain, is wide awake. It's been on sleep mode for a better part of the day and is now refusing to rest again. It's past 2am now and church is in 9 hours. I need to rest if I'm to enjoy the Sabbath. Lord, help me... please?


Rebecca said...

How are you feeling now??? :( Praying...

Annibelle said...

Thanks so much for your prayers, girl... I'm feeling a tad better now, BUT, I slept 'til 1:30pm and missed church. Finally, around 3, I forced myself outside to go to flag football practice ~ I couldn't stand this self-imposed bedrest no mo'.

The fresh air helped a little, but now that I'm home again... I can feel the beginnings of another migraine in the back of my head.

A vacay in the woods is sounding SOOOOOOO good right now.