Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hangin' 10 with the Spirit

Today in Small Group we talked about the Holy Spirit. That enigmatic being we as believers know, but can't really define.

We were asked what it would look like if we allowed the Spirit to do His work. One person said purpose. Another excitement. Yet another respecting the body as God's temple (not ours). I, somehow, likened it to surfing...

If we really, truly sought the Holy Spirit and believed in His workings in us, I think we'd be more intentional (focused) in our day-to-day lives. I wouldn't be the lazy grace-grazer I am, sitting in the middle of the ocean, waiting for the wave of Christ's Second Coming to reach me. I'd (we'd) be kicking and paddling and searching for the wave, always on the hunt for the BIG One to come and find us and envelope us. We'd be on the lookout. We'd be intent on this journey. This temple would be wet by Holy waters and the sweat of our brows. We'd live in excited, purposeful anticipation.

1 comment:

yellowinter said...

i like that imagery a lot, being the "lazy grace grazer" that i am. :)