Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wonder, Woman

There are those of us for whom that sense of amazement and awe come as easy and natural as breathing.  These are the lucky ones who are able to stare at a blossom or a bird or a traffic jam and say, "Surely God is in control of all things."

Then there are people like me for whom wonder is some chance opportunity, gone in the blink of an eye.  I sit in anticipation, hoping that I might win the lotto.

Staring and hoping and waiting.

Call me jaded or cynical, but my weak faith strains to be amazed at the "normal" things of life.

Tonight I drove from Nashville to Atlanta. Straight down I-24.  By the Appalachian Mountains and over the Tennessee River.

And, I felt small compared to these vast bodies.  But in the smallness, I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom.  I was at peace with God and with myself.  Thankful.  Heart rejoicing.  Singing and laughing and tearing up as my rental car drove past acres of pastoral splendor...

Surely God is Creator of all things.

1 comment:

yellowinter said...

i'm glad you're getting to experience the wonder of His creation. i'll pray for traveling mercies.