Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Running Scurrrrrd

I just bought Jillian Michael's new fitness/diet how-to guide, Making the Cut whilst making my bi-monthly Target run. BUT, the thing is: The woman scares the crap out of me! I almost can't look at the cover in fear that she'll yell and have me run laps with a log strapped to my back.

[FYI: I've just stumbled upon her MySpace page and am pondering (and shuddering at the thought of) sending her a Friend Request. Oy.]

1 comment:

Allie, Dearest said...

Ok, she is my new hero.

Look at those arms. What they don't tell you on the back of the DVDs for stuff like that is the little line that says, "Results not typical."

That should be on everything.