Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A-Has and Dohs!

Lately my pastor, Geoff, has been giving some hard-hitting sermons. I don't like it. I mean, I do. I love that the Word is opening up new worlds and unlocking pieces of my heart that I didn't know existed. It's just, well... I could do without them. I'm much too comfortable where I am, you see. And life just always seem to be a bit easier when you're only looking out for number one after all.

This past Sunday we concluded our sermon series on Acts (the first church). The sermon ripped at every part of my carefully constructed bubble. It bore through the layers I'd let build around me. Layers of selfishness, pride, ignorance and delusions of grandeur that I am at the center of my life, that I am the main character in this story called "Me."

Obedience is giving up your independence.


And once again I'm left to face the mirror of truth - to see the ugliness within and ask for the forever redeeming showers of grace to wash over me and flood my senses. Let my eyes of my heart focus on you, the world at large (broken and redeemed souls alike). Let its reaches extend past this flesh and out. To you. To her. To him. To them.

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