Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Is there a masseusse in the house?

Small group resumes tonight and it looks like I'm going to postpone going... again. At the moment, I'm sitting at home waiting for my mechanic to give me a call to pick my car up from his shop. Aaand, I'm still in pain. [My back and neck are still stiff... 4 days later.]

My mom thinks it may be due to the cold weather I (a winter baby) have become so sensitive to this year since instinctively my body seems to hunch over and tense in its attempt to hold in what little heat it can. {Maybe she's right.} Part of me thinks it may be my body's external show of the internal stress my subconscious feels as it mulls over this retreat I'm going to; my mom's ever-lingering, chronic illness; and the seemingly imminent postponing of plans I was so determined to follow through on a few months back.

It's like I have an invisible burden on my shoulders and I don't quite know what to do with it.

Hmm... maybe I'll go to the gym tonight and work it out.
EDIT: Shoulders/back are STILL stiff. *oh bother*

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