Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Enter the Floodgates

My boss pulled me aside at the end of the day and "explained" the need for my shortened hours. Then, he asked me for my input on the matter. He shouldn't have...

As I started to tell about him about the financial problems facing my family, I could feel the burning of tears forming in my eyes. And, though I tried to fight them off, they came forth. They flooded my eyes, ears, throat, mouth, head and nose until I was this snotty mess of mucous.

They continued after our conversation had ended. Kept their route as I packed up my things and closed down my computer for the night. They lingered all the way home, through my "dinner" and now as I sit and type this. They keep coming forth like droplets falling from leaky faucets.

I don't know where they come from, these tears. It's as if my body has hoarded every tear on God's green earth and was waiting for the right moment to open the floodgates.

I am worn. Weathered. Though my eyes are wet with tears, my spirit is suffocatingly parched in this drought it finds itself in...

OK, I'm gonna retreat to the comfort of my bed and hide myself under the covers. Hopefully, it won't be a puffy-eyed, raspy creature that reemerges, but a renewed, refreshed being beaming with the light of hope.


1 comment:

Allie, Dearest said...

Oh, you poor, sweet girl.

Keep crying. Let them all out. There have been times recently when I wanted to cry but couldn't. So let it flood.

Here for you, though far, far, far away.